
godetia uk

godetia uk
  1. Is Godetia a perennial?
  2. Can you grow Godetia in pots?
  3. What does Godetia mean?
  4. How do you grow Clarkia from seed?

Is Godetia a perennial?

Garden flower godetia (lat. Godetia) is a herbaceous annual plant in the family Onagraceae that includes about twenty species, originating from the American continents. ... The benefits of this garden plant are its low care requirements and beautiful silky flowers, similar to the flowers of azalea.

Can you grow Godetia in pots?

*It's best not to start Godetia off undercover, in pots…she doesn't doesn't like it and seems susceptible to damping off and root disturbance 'sulking' when you plant out. *Good results can be achieved by direct sowing… ... water it BEFORE sowing your seeds thinly along it…. cover very lightly with soil.

What does Godetia mean?

godetia in British English

(ɡəˈdiːʃə ) any plant of the American onagraceous genus Godetia, esp one grown as a showy-flowered annual garden plant.

How do you grow Clarkia from seed?

How to plant clarkia seeds:

  1. Sow the seeds in early June for the flowers to bloom in August.
  2. The seeds should be sown straight in to the ground. ...
  3. Rake the soil to create a fine top. ...
  4. Water the soil before sowing only if it is dry and then allow the drill to drain. ...
  5. During the dry weather keep the plants watered.

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