
calico kitten succulent

calico kitten succulent
  1. How do you take care of a calico kitten?
  2. How do you care for Crassula Marginalis?
  3. How do you propagate Crassula pellucida?
  4. How do I identify a Crassula plant?

How do you take care of a calico kitten?

Caring for Calico Kitten Plants

Keep the soil moist for new Calico Kitten succulents. Once established, the plants are drought-hardy and require water only occasionally. Beware of overwatering, as succulents are likely to rot in soggy conditions. Too dry is always better than too wet.

How do you care for Crassula Marginalis?

It does well in full to partial sun. Plant in an area of your garden that gets 6 hours of sunlight a day. If planting indoors, place in a room that gets a lot of sunlight, such as near a southern-facing window (if you're in the Northern Hemisphere).

How do you propagate Crassula pellucida?

Crassulas can be easily propagated from a single leaf. Sprout leaves by placing them into a potting mix for succulents, then covering the dish until they sprout. Repot as needed, preferably during the warm season. To repot your Crassula, make sure the soil is dry before repotting, then gently remove the pot.

How do I identify a Crassula plant?

They get their name from the jade-green colored leaves that are usually tear-shaped, oval-shaped, or wedge-shaped. Sometimes, the leaves can have red blushing around the edges. In hot tropical climates, jade trees have thick woody stems and smooth shiny green or yellowish leaves.

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