Hostas - Sivu 4

most drought tolerant hostas
Are hostas drought tolerant?Which Hostas do better in sun?Can Hostas tolerate afternoon sun?Can hostas get too much water?Can hostas grow in dry soil?...
holes in hosta leaves uk
Essentially when bugs are eating hostas, slugs or snails are usually to blame. These nighttime foragers are probably considered the most common of hos...
how do you keep holes out of hostas
To prevent holes in hosta leaves from slug and snail damage, water only in the morning to ensure that the leaves dry before nightfall, and remove any ...
hosta problems pictures
What is wrong with my Hosta?What is killing my Hosta?How do you treat fungus on hostas?What does Epsom salt do for hostas?Why do hostas lose their var...
how to stop hostas being eaten
What can I put on my hostas to keep the bugs from eating them?What causes holes in my hosta leaves?Will hostas grow back after being eaten?How do I pr...
what is killing my hostas
Two major pests on hosta—slugs and petiole rot. Anthracnose, caused by several fungi in the genus Colletotrichum, is the most widespread foliage disea...
hosta leaves cut off
Hostas require minimal maintenance, although some light pruning keeps the plant productive, while improving the hosta's health and encouraging lush fo...
false african hosta
The African false hosta is known for 4- to 6-inch long, dark green, waxy leaves with dark green to purple ink-like spots. The coloration of the spots ...
african false hosta care
African hosta care is simple once the plants are established. They are not picky about soil type, tolerate some salt, and do well in heat and drought....