Begoniat - Sivu 3

risoominen begonia rex
Rex -begoniat ovat nurmikasvien monivuotisia kasveja USDA-alueilla 10-12, joten niitä kasvatetaan yleisemmin huonekasveina tai yksivuotisina. ... Riso...
risoottinen begonia repotting
Ne mahdollistavat oikean ilmanvaihdon ja kosteuden tunkeutumisen sivujen läpi ja laitokseen. Aseta savisiru aina kattilan pohjassa olevan reiän päälle...
best soil for indoor begonias
So what soil mix is best for begonias? Use a soil-less mix, one formulated just for indoor plants and usually containing peat moss and perlite or verm...
begonia rex potting mix
What is the best potting mix for begonias?What type of soil do rex begonias like?Is Begonia rex an indoor plant?Do begonias grow well in pots?Are coff...
how to repot tuberous begonias
Lift tubers of garden-grown begonias with a clump of soil and place under cover to dry out. Once dried, store in a cool, dry, dark place until spring....
best pots for begonias
Many types of begonias grow well in clay pots, such as rhizomatous begonias which resent wet potting mix. The mix in clay pots dries out faster so cla...
pictures of begonias in pots
Do begonias like sun or shade?Do begonias do well in pots?How do you care for potted begonias?How long do potted begonias last?How often should you wa...
begonia maculata repotting
Begonia Maculata likes to be pot-bound, and thus requires smaller pots than most other houseplants. Regular repotting is also essential during the fir...
images of begonia leaves
How do I tell what kind of begonia I have?What does a begonia leaf look like?Are begonia leaves poisonous to humans?Are begonias good house plants?Are...